Knersvlakte- home to a third of the world’s dwarf succulents.
The word KNERSVLAKTE literally means “ Grinding Plain” & pertains to the grinding of the quartz gravel when walked upon.
Knersvlakte Nature Reserve (proclaimed in September 2014) is situated on the West Coast between Klawer in the Western Cape and Kliprand in the Northern Cape. It is idyllically nestled just north of the Olifants River. The reserve covers some 85 500 hectares and is home to dwarf succulents.
The Knersvlakte is somewhat sparse, and can even seem to be quite desolate in places. Do not be fooled, it is actually teeming with a unique variety of exquisite plants and animals, which makes this treasured spot one that demands protection and conservation.
The Knersvlakte is acclaimed for its magnificent white quartzite gravel, and the myriad of succulent species, some quite obvious but others hidden by impressive rock formations. Its miniature succulents come in all shapes and sizes and are known colloquially by names like baba-boudtjies, krapogies and vingers-en-duimpies.
Did you know?
The Knersvlakte region is situated in the Western Cape Province within the Succulent Karoo.
Of the 1 500 plant species in the Knersvlakte, about 190 species are endemic to the region. Around 155 of these are threatened with extinction, as they succumb easily to climatic conditions and changes.
The Knersvlakte is home to a third of the world’s dwarf succulents. It also has one of the largest concentrations of endangered plant species in the world. Namaqualand has some 35 different lichens and possibly even more, with more than half being endemic to the region.
No wonder it’s world-renowned for its spectacular biodiversity. A vast number of plant species – many endemic – are represented in the region’s fynbos, salt marshes, vygieveld, gannabosveld, renosterveld and strandveld.
Home to dwarf succulents and hardy insect species, as well as a variety of birds reptiles and land animals the Knersvlakte is one of the richest and most diverse succulent regions in the world.
Knersvlakte Nature Reserve, Vanrhynsdorp, Cape West Coast, Western Cape, South Africa
Best during daylight hours.
+27 (0)21 483-0190